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A Case Study in Applying IT Security Evaluation on Common Criteria to Development Process of MTOS 7.5


Shim ho Kim


Vol. 6  No. 1  pp. 234~239


IT security evaluation based on Common Criteria(CC, ISO/IEC15408), international standard for evaluation of security properties of IT products and systems, requires evaluation deliverables such as development and operational documents of TOE(Target of Evaluation) according to EAL(Evaluation Assurance Level). As most developers commonly prepare evaluation deliverables after their products developed, additional costs and time evidences such as reverse-engineering .have been invested to be ready for evaluation. However, CC does not provide any methodological support to prepare evaluation deliverables, and furthermore, related works are not sufficient. In this paper, we present IT security evaluation on CC applying to development process of IT products. We demonstrate our idea by means of case study - developing MTOS 7.5 which is an Unix-like operation system based on Free BSD(Berkeley System Distribution) 4.4 and preparing IT security evaluation for it according to EAL3 in CC.


IT security evaluation, Common Criteria, Development process, MTOS 7.5