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Logic of Integrating Metric Space and Time


Xie Qi, Liu Dayou, Yu Qiangyuan, Yu Haibo


Vol. 6  No. 1  pp. 168~172


In this paper we use multi-dimensional logics as frameworks for knowledge representation and, in particular, for representing spatio-temporal information. We construct two-dimensional logics intended for describing distance relationships that change over time. The family logic, named PTL-MS, PTL-MS1, PTL-MS2 (Propositional Metric Saptio-Temporal Logic) are the Cartesian product of the well-known temporal logic PTL and the propositional metric logic MS[M]. We provided the intended languages with syntactic and semantics, and investigate the expressive power of them. Based on known decidability and complexity results about the two components, we discuss possible directions for further research. Moreover, it can be used in spatio-temporal constraint satisfaction problem, spatio-temporal knowledge base and mobile object database (MOD).


Temporal logic, metric space, distance, spatio-temporal reasoning