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An Approach to Slicing Concurrent Ada Programs Based on Program Reachability Graphs


Xiaofang Qi, Baowen Xu


Vol. 6  No. 1  pp. 29~37


Program slicing is an important technique applied in many software engineering activities, such as program debugging, testing, maintenance, measurement, reengineering and etc. This paper presents an effective representation for concurrent Ada programs, which is called task communication reachability graph (TCRG). Based on TCRG, we can precisely determine various dependences in concurrent Ada programs and construct a new dependence graph (MSPDG) which vertex is a pair composed of program state and statement. Dependence relation in MSPDG is precise and transitive. By traversing MSPDG, we can obtain high-precision slice for concurrent Ada programs. Compared with other high-precision slicing methods, the slice based on MSDG is more precise and its efficiency is higher in worst case.


dependence analysis, slice, Ada, concurrent programs, reachability analysis