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A light Weight Non-Cryptographic Solution for Defending Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Dr.M.Mohanapriya and Dr.M.Mohanapriya
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 125-134
Ad hoc Networks, MANET, DSR, Routing Protocols, Security Attacks, Black Hole Attack
Comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Attack Based on Machine Learning Classifiers
Surafel Mehari and Prof. Dr. Anuja Kumar Acharya
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 115-124
Classifiers, False Detection, Python, NSL KDD, Intrusion Detection, Machine-learning.
A Hybrid Approach for Black-hole Intrusion Detection using Fuzzy Logic and PSO Algorithm
M. Rohani hajiabadi, S. Gheisari, A. Ahvazi
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 109-114
Wireless sensor networks, AODV, Fuzzy logic, Particle swarm optimization
mmWave MIMO Systems for 5G Communications
Sarala Patchala and Dr.M.Sailaja
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 105-108
mmWave, MIMO, 5G