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Fast block size selection algorithm for inter frame coding in H.264/AVC on TMS320C6416 DSP
Haithem Chaouch, Imen Werda, Amine Samet, Mohamed Ali Ben Ayed, Nouri Masmoudi
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 23-27
H.264, motion estimation, block size selection, DSP, PSNR, SSIM
Accelerating the Discrete Event Network Simulation by Direct Computing
Xiaofeng Wang, Xiangzhan Yu
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 17-22
Discrete event simulation, network simulation, number of discrete events, direct computing
A Simple Reconfigurable Object Model for a Ubiquitous Computing Environment
Kentaro Oda, Shinobu Izumi, Yoshihiro Yasutake, Takaichi Yoshida
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 8-16
Reconfiguration, Adaptation, Distributed objects
Design of Fuzzy Estimator to Assist Fault Recovery in a non Linear System
K. Suresh, K. Balu
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 1-7
Fault tolerant system, Fuzzy logic, nonlinear system, Estimator