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Natural Computer Components Oriented Simulation
Abdelhak Boubetra
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 36-40
Simulation, modeling, natural computer component
Energy and Channel Aware MAC Protocol to Achieve Fairness in Multi-Hop Mobile Adhoc Networks
P.Priakanth, P.Thangaraj
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 29-35
Mac Protocol, Multi-hop, Fairness, Channel, Energy, Bandwidth
Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy Routing Algorithms for a New Fuzzy Mixed Metric Approach
Shuchita Upadhayay, Mini Sharma
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 21-28
Fuzzy logic, mixed metric, packet-switched networks, fuzzy routing algorithms, performance evaluation
An Efficient Approach for Increasing Security to Symmetric Data Encryption
Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Md. Monir Hossain Mia, Md. Foizul Islam, M.A. Matin
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 16-20
Computer Security, Block cipher, plain text, cipher text, Differential cryptanalysis, Linear cryptanalysis, Symmetric Encryption