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Application of MATLAB to Create Initial Solution for Tabu Search in Parallel Assembly Lines Balancing
G.R.Esmaeilian, S.Sulaiman , N.Ismail, M.M.H.M.Ahmad, M.Hamedi
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 132-136
Parallel assembly lines, Heuristic method, MATLAB
A Power-Aware Low-Latency Cache Management Architecture for Mobile Computing Environments
G. Anandharaj, R. Anitha
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 121-126
Cache Management, Mobile Computing
Enhanced Access Control with Semantic Context Hierarchy Tree for Ubiquitous Computing
Hyuk Jin Ko, Woojun Kang
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 114-120
Access Control, Context, Context Hierarchy, Ontology
Text Region Segmentation From Heterogeneous Images
Chitrakala Gopalan, Manjula
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 108-113
Caption text images, Directional filter bank, Laplacian Pyramid, Non subsampled Contourlet transform, Scene text images, Text region extraction