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Implementation of XSLT-based Schema Mapper using RCP
Tae-Jin Ha, Hye-Ja Bang
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 216-220
XSLT, Mapper, RCP
An Efficient Foreground Detection Algorithm for Visual Surveillance System
Sivabalakrishnan.M, D.Manjula
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 221-227
Forground detection, morphological filtering, shadow elimination, post prcessing
An Efficient Algorithm of Computerized Checking System for Hard Copy MCQs Test (HCMCQST)
Tabassam Nawaz, Khurram Ishfaq Qazi, Muhammad Imran Ashraf
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 228-236
Morphing Filter, Region Based Segmentation, Optical Character Recognition, Dilation, Erosion, Closing, Segmentation
Software Reuse Metrics: Measuring Component Independence and its applicability in Software Reuse
P. K. Suri, Neeraj Garg
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 237-248
Software metrics-coupling-component-independence-software reusability