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Effects of the coherency on the Performance of the Web Cache Proxy Server
Angel Vassilev Nikolov
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 158-162
web cache coherence protocols, hit ratio, queuing network
Simulation of a heterogeneous handoff algorithm
Victor Chi, Lizzie Narv?ez, Erika Llanes
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 163-172
Vertical handoff, handoff decision algorithm, simulator
Urine and Copro Recognition with Generalized Entropy and Neural Networks
Diana Calva, Miguel Angel Z??iga Garc?a, Carlos Duchanoy Mart?nez, Gerardo Reyes Salgado, Mario Lehman
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 173-179
Neural Networks, Urianalysis, Fecal Material Analysis, Automated Microscopy, pattern recognition, generalized entropy
A New Construction of Short Hierarchical Identity-based Signature in the Standard Model
Leyou Zhang, Yupu Hu
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 180-186
Hierarchical identity-based signature, the standard model, h-CDH assumption, provably secure