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Mining Association Rules: A Database Perspective
Abdallah Alashqur
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 69-74
Data Mining, Association Rule, Itemset, Relational Model, Relational Database
Correlated MIMO Rayleigh Channels: Eigenmodes and Capacity Analyses
A. Saad, M. Ismail, N. Misran
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 75-81
Channel correlation, Channel capacity, Channel eigenmodes, Low and high SNR
An analysis of the possible applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to a Clinical Laboratory Information Management System
Diana Calva, Mario Lehman
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 82-86
Laboratory Information Management System, Artificial Intelligence, Relational Database, fSQL
The Effect of Bit Transmission Rate to the Receiver Sensitivity and BER Performance
Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Kasmiran Jumari
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 87-90
Transmission rate, receiver sensitivity, BER performance, Thermal noise