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Text Region Segmentation From Heterogeneous Images
Chitrakala Gopalan, Manjula
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 108-113
Caption text images, Directional filter bank, Laplacian Pyramid, Non subsampled Contourlet transform, Scene text images, Text region extraction
Enhanced Access Control with Semantic Context Hierarchy Tree for Ubiquitous Computing
Hyuk Jin Ko, Woojun Kang
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 114-120
Access Control, Context, Context Hierarchy, Ontology
A Power-Aware Low-Latency Cache Management Architecture for Mobile Computing Environments
G. Anandharaj, R. Anitha
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 121-126
Cache Management, Mobile Computing
Application of MATLAB to Create Initial Solution for Tabu Search in Parallel Assembly Lines Balancing
G.R.Esmaeilian, S.Sulaiman , N.Ismail, M.M.H.M.Ahmad, M.Hamedi
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 132-136
Parallel assembly lines, Heuristic method, MATLAB