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Storage Techniques for Heterogeneous Reference Type Data in an XML Schema
Hwan-Seung Yong, Kyoung-Hye Lee, Wol Young Lee, Minsoo Lee
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 217-224
PDTNet XML schema, heterogeneous reference type, IDREFS
A Low Cost and Resilient Message Queuing Middleware
Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 225-237
Asynchronous Messaging, Availability, In Order Delivery, Message Queuing Middleware, Reliability
Conjoint Analysis: A Study of Canned Coffee in Taiwan
Meng-Long Shih, Chen-Yin Liu, Biing-Wen Huang, Shouhua Lin, Ke-Chung Peng
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 238-246
conjoint analysis, canned coffee, product attributes, consumer preferences
Haplotype Inference by Pure Parsimony by SAT Solver in Distributed Environment
Solimul B. Chowdhur, Sakibul H., Sardar A. Haque
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 247-254
haplotype inference by pure parsimony, HIPP, SAT solver, distributed environment