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Cost Comparison of the Detection Techniques for Optical Spectrum CDMA System
R. K. Z. Sahbudin, M. K. Abdullah, S. Hitam, M. A. Mahdi
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 87-90
Detection technique, Optical Spectrum CDMA, cost, KS (Khazani-Syed) code
Model-based Design for Real-time Software
Yan Li, Zhang Hong-jun
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 91-95
real-time scheduling, model-based design, precedence constraint, EDF algorithm, Schedulability
Research of Situation Assessment oriented Hypothesis based Plan Recognition£¨SAOPR£©
Huang Hexiao, He Sheng-ping, Wang Guoqing, Zhaoye
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 96-100
Plan recognition, Situation assessment, Knowledge model, Prediction
Prediction of Palm Oil Properties using Artificial Neural Network
Salwani Abdullah, Eow Chee Tiong
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 101-106
Prediction, Palm oil, Artificial Neural Network