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Face Recognition Based on Multi Scale Low Resolution Feature Extraction and Single Neural Network
K.Rama Linga Reddy, G.R Babu, Lal Kishore, Larun Agarwal, M.Maanasa
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 279-283
Radial Basis Function, Back Propagation, Neural Network, Multi Scale Resolution, Feature Extraction, Face Recognition
Useful Techniques of Power-law and Spectra in Modeling Internet Topology Structure
Ye XU, Hai ZHAO, Zhuo Wang
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 284-292
Genetic Algorithm, Power-law distribution, SLS (Signless Laplacian spectra), Topology modeling
A Novel Approach to Shape Based Image Retrieval Integrating Adapted Fourier Descriptors and Freeman Code
T.Venu Gopal, Dr V.Kamakshi Prasad
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 293-302
CBIR, Feature Database, Fourier Descriptors, Image Retrieval, Shape Representation, Re-sampling
A Framework for Predictive Web Prefetching at the Proxy Level using Data Mining
Jyoti Pandey, Amit Goel, Dr. A K Sharma
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 303-308
Framework, Predictive Web Prefetch, Data Mining