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Performance Analysis of Restricted Path Flooding Scheme in Distributed P2P Overlay Networks
Hyuncheol Kim, Younghwa Kim, Kwangjoon Kim, Doo-Won Seo
Vol. 7 No. 12 pp. 216-221
P2P, Peer to Peer, Flooding
V_HAND: Simulator for Behavior Modeling of Mobile Nodes between Heterogeneous Networks
Victor Chi, Francisco Gonz?lez, Lizzie Narv?ez
Vol. 7 No. 12 pp. 222-227
Vertical handoff, heterogeneous networks, mobile node, simulators
Modification of the OCFB mode for fast data links
Karel Burda
Vol. 7 No. 12 pp. 228-232
self-synchronizing mode, block cipher mode, CFB mode, OCFB mode, SCFB mode
A Fast and Efficient Predictive Block Matching Motion Estimation
V.S.Kumar Reddy, Somnath Sengupta, Y. Madhaveelatha
Vol. 7 No. 12 pp. 233-239
Motion Estimation, Video Coding, Predictive Search, FSBM, Sub-pixel Estimation