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Texture Classification by Simple Patterns on Edge Direction Movements
B. Eswara Reddy, A. Nagaraja Rao, A. Suresh, V. Vijaya Kumar
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 221-225
Opening, Horizontal Patterns, Vertical Patterns, Right Diagonal Pattern, Left Diagonal Patterns
A Novel in E-voting in Egypt
Mohamed Abo-Rizka, Heba Refaat Ghounaim
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 226-234
E-voting, Biometric smart token, EVSE system
Principal Component Analysis for Analysis and Classification of fMRI Activation Maps
H N Suma, S Murali
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 235-242
fMRI, Scattered patterns, Prime activity, Principal component analysis, Pattern classification, Statistical Parametric Mapping, Back propagation neural network.Back propagation neural network
Guaranteed Quality of Recovery in WDM Mesh Networks
I-Shyan Hwang, I-Feng Huang, Hung-Jing Shie
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 243-251
WDM, Guaranteed Quality of Recovery, Shared Segment Recovery, Survivability