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A Fast Multiple Pattern Matching Algorithm using Context Free Grammar and Tree Model
G.Phanindra, K.V.V.N. Ravi Shankar, P.Deepak Sreenivas
Vol. 7 No. 9 pp. 231-234
Pattern Matching, preprocessing, n-ary tree, Context Free Grammar, Griebach Normal Form, Bio-informatics, information retrieval
An Approach-Effect of an Exponential Distribution on different medical images
Amit Shrivastava, Monika Shinde, S.S. Gornale, Pratap Lawande
Vol. 7 No. 9 pp. 235-240
Medical imaging, Detecting noise, and Probability Density Function, Exponential Distribution
Clustering and Classification (Time Series analysis) Based Congestion Control algorithm: Data Mining Approach
Manoj Devare, Ajay Kumar
Vol. 7 No. 9 pp. 241-246
prediction, time series analysis, congestion, traffic intensity
On the Performance of Provably Secure Hashing with Elliptic Curves
Anton Kargl, Bernd Meyer, Susanne Wetzel
Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 1-7
Hash Function, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, Koblitz Curve, Optimal Extension Field, Frobenius Representation