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Hybrid Optimal Routing Strategy (HORS) for Scale-Free Networks
Pearl Antil and Amita Malik
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 827-831
Betweenness Centrality, Adaptive Routing, Preferential attachment, Scale-Free Network
DNN Based Ant Colony Optimization for Video Tampering Detection
Siva Prasad Patnayakuni
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 832-839
DCT Compression, Least Mean square, watershed segmentation, Deep neural network, optimization.
Adopting Graph-Based Machine Learning Algorithms to Classify Android Malware
Abdelrahman Elsharif Karrar
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 840-849
Graph-Based Model; Machine Learning; Classification Algorithms; Android Malware Detection.
Centroid and Nearest Neighbor based Class Imbalance Reduction with Relevant Feature Selection using Ant Colony Optimization for Software Defect Prediction
Kiran Kumar B., Jayadev Gyani, , Bhavani Y., Ganesh Reddy P., Nagasai Anjani Kumar T
Vol. 22 No. 10 pp. 1-10
Ant Colony Optimization; Class imbalance; Feature selection; Oversampling