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COVID-19 Diagnosis from CXR images through pre-trained Deep Visual Embeddings
Shahzaib Khalid, Muhammad Shehram Shah Syed, Erum Saba, Nasrullah Pirzada
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 175-181
COVID-19, Deep Visual Features, Transfer Learning, Classification, Logistic Regression.
Information Seeking Behaviour of Distance Learners: What has Changed During the Covid-19?
Ryan Alturki
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 182-192
information retrieval; covid-19; seeking behavior; distance learning; information literacy
Adversarial Machine Learning: A Survey on the Influence Axis
Shahad Alzahrani, Taghreed Almalki, Hatim Alsuwat, and Emad Alsuwat
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 193-203
Machine Learning; Adversarial Machine Learning; Influence attack; Evasion attack; Data poisoning attack.
Self-sufficiencies in Cyber Technologies: A requirement study on Saudi Arabia
Nawaf Alhalafi and Dr. Prakash Veeraraghavan
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 204-214
cybersecurity, cybercrime, cyberattacks, security frameworks, information technology (IT), e-government, smart city, e-learning