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A Survey on the Performance Comparison of Map Reduce Technologies and the Architectural Improvement of Spark
G S Raghavendra, Bezwada Manasa, M. Vasavi
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 121-126
Hadoop, spark, Map reduce,
Effective Methods for Heart Disease Detection via ECG Analyses
Andrii Yavorsky and Taras Panchenko
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 127-134
ECG, Machine learning, Computer simulation, CVD..
Comparing Results of Classification Techniques Regarding Heart Disease Diagnosing
Benan Abdullah AL badr, Raghad Suliman AL ghezzi, ALjohara Suliman AL moqhem, Dr.Sarah Eljack .
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 135-142
Google Colab, classification technique, Random Forest, Python language, machine learning.
Enhanced CNN Model for Brain Tumor Classification
Aravinda Kasukurthi, Lakshmikanth Paleti, Madamanchi Brahmaiah , Ch.Sudha Sree
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 143-148
Multi-classification, CNN model, Grid search technic, Hyper parameter optimization