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Deep Learning based on Image Recognition Convolutional Neural Networks
Salah Alamri
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 559-566
CNN, Neural Networks, Keras, TensorFlow, deep learning.
The Reality of Supported Employment Provided by People within Intellectual Disabilities from the Perspective of the Work Team in the Light of Global Practices
Wejdan Y. Kaabi and Derar M. Alqudah
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 567-574
Supported employment, intellectual disability, work team, global practices.
Metalworking Fluids Selection and Application Effect on Tool Wear
Sharaf Al Sofyani
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 575-584
Metalworking Fluids, Tool wear, flooding, minimum quantity lubrication, through-spindle cooling, emulsion fluid, semisynthetic fluid, synthetic fluid.
Investigating The Challenges and Value Creation of Open Government Data Initiatives
Waleed Rashideh, Maram Alajmi, Abdulaziz Alshammari, Anas Alqudah, Waeal J.Obidallah, and Mohammed Alkhathami
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 585-594
Open Government Data, Open Data Portals, Government Initiatives, Challenges, Value Creation