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New Authentication Mechanism for Vertical Handovers between IEEE 802.16e and 3G Wireless Networks
Pyung-Soo Kim, Yong-Jin Kim
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 138-143
Authentication, Vertical handover, IEEE 802.16e, 3G.
Lifetime Maximization by Cross-Layer Design considering Power Control, MAC, Routing in Sensor Networks
In-Yeup Kong, JongGyu Kim, Won-Joo Hwang
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 144-150
Cross-layer, Lifetime maximization, Multi-hop communication, Energy-efficiency, Sensor networks.
The NATORM Group Communication Mechanism for Intrusion Tolerant System
Jong-Whoi Shin, Chong-Sun Hwang
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 151-155
ITS (Intrusion Tolerant System), NATORM (NACK-based Total-ordered Reliable Multicast mechanism), Replicated members, Total-ordered.
An Advanced Mutual-Authentication Algorithm Using AES for RFID Systems
Batbold Toiruul, KyungOh Lee
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 156-162
RFID, AES, cryptograph.