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Published Papers Search Service
Results for modern information technologies; Total 2
The Usage of Modern Information Technologies for Conducting Effective Monitoring of Quality in Higher Education
Olga Oseredchuk, Lyudmyla Nikolenko, Serhii Dolynnyi, Nataliia Ordatii, Tetiana Sytnik, Tatiana Stratan-Artyshkova
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 113-120
modern information technologies, information and computer technologies, web-oriented resources and services, conducting effective monitoring, quality of higher education, systematization, classificatio.
Modern Paradigm of Organization of the Management Mechanism
by Innovative Development in Higher Education Institutions
Serhii Kubitsky, Viktoriia Domina, Nataliia Mykhalchenko, Olena Terenko, Liudmyla Mironets, Lyubov Kanishevska, Lidia Marsza©©ek
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 141-148
innovative development, use of modern information technologies, management, higher education institution, improving the quality and competitiveness of education, innovative activity, concept of innovative development of higher education institutions.