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Arabic Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning: A Review
Zainab Hakami, Muneera Alshathri, Nora Alqhtani, Latifah Alharthi and Sarah Alhumoud
Vol. 19 No. 4 pp. 255-263
Arabic, sentiment analysis, deep learning, CNN, RNN, NN.
Arabic Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning for COVID-19 Twitter Data
Sarah Alhumoudi
Vol. 20 No. 9 pp. 132-138
COVID-19, machine learning, sentiment analysis, social computing.
ASR systems using LLMs a Review
Sarah Alhumoud
Vol. 25 No. 1 pp. 1-12
Spam review detection, CNN-LSTM, CNN-RNN, CNN-GRU, Big data, Deep Learning, Amazon Product Review Dataset