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Combined ML-MMSE Receiver of an STBC-CDMA System for PSK/QAM Modulation
Radhia Gharsallah, Ridha Bouallegue
Vol. 7 No. 1 pp. 254-258
STBC, PSK, QAM, spread spectrum, MAI, ML decoder, Rayleigh fading channel, multi user detection, MMSE
Optimization of MIMO- FFT based OFDM system performance with minimum BER
M.P.Chitra, S.K. Srivatsa
Vol. 10 No. 12 pp. 178-183
Multi-Input Multi Output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), Bit error rate (BER), signals to noise ratio (SNR), Single input single output (SISO), Space time block code (STBC)
Performance Enhancement through Reduced Complexity Channel Estimation Algorithm for 4G OFDM Systems
C. Padmaja and Dr. B. L. Malleswari
Vol. 17 No. 4 pp. 140-143
OSTBC, Bit error rate, Spectral Efficiency, Moment generating function.
Exclusive Conjugate Quasi Orthogonal Space Time Block Code Family with Full Rate Full Diversity Following Feedback Approach
Ibrahim Freewan and Aaron Robinson
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 191-196
MIMO, Alamouti code, STBC, QOSTBC, 5G.