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Control of QoE based on Algorithms for the Disposal of Packets concerned with Streaming Video in Wireless Networks
Paulo Bezerra, Adalberto Melo, Allan Costa, Carlos Quadros, Ant?nio Abel?m, Eduardo Cerqueira
Vol. 12 No. 2 pp. 58-65
Algorithms for the disposal of packets, Video Streaming, Wireless Networks, Quality of Experience
Analysis of Quality of Experience Frameworks for Cloud Computing
Asif Ali Laghari, Hui He, Imtiaz A. Halepoto, M. Sulleman Memon, Sajida Parveen
Vol. 17 No. 12 pp. 228-233
Quality of Experience, Quality of Service, Cloud frameworks, Monitoring
A Hybrid of Adaptation and Dynamic Routing based on SDN for Improving QoE in HTTP Adaptive VBR Video Streaming
Pham Hong Thinh , Pham Ngoc Nam, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Alan Marshall, Truong Thu Huong
Vol. 19 No. 7 pp. 51-64
Dynamic routing, Adaptive streaming, SDN, HTTP, Cross-layer interaction, Quality of Experience
Design and Implement A Hybrid WebRTC Signalling Mechanism for Unidirectional & Bi-directional Video Conferencing
Naktal Edan, Ali Al-Sherbaz, and Scott Turner
Vol. 24 No. 9 pp. 186-194
The Real-Time Web Communication (WebRTC), Socket.IO signalling mechanism, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Quality of Experience (QoE), Mesh topology and a Web New Signalling Mechanism (WebNSM).