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Modified Version of Playfair Cipher using Linear Feedback Shift Register
Packirisamy Murali, Gandhidoss Senthilkumar
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 26-29
Playfair cipher, Random number, Linear Feedback Shift Register, Polyalphabetic cipher
Classification of Substitution Ciphers using Neural Networks
G.Sivagurunathan, V.Rajendran, T.Purusothaman
Vol. 10 No. 3 pp. 274-279
Cipher text, Classifier, Back propagation neural network, Playfair cipher, Hill Cipher, Vigen?re cipher
Integrating Classical Encryption with Modern Technique
Fauzan Saeed, Mustafa Rashid
Vol. 10 No. 5 pp. 280-285
Network security, Playfair cipher, viginere cipher, Classical encryption, Modern Encryption
Data Encryption and Hiding using Playfair and Complementary Techniques based on DNA Sequences
Ahmed Elhadad
Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 697-701
DNA, Playfair, complementary technique, reference DNA, Playfair cipher.