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Towards Security Challenges to Internet-of-Things: Big Data, Networks, and Applications
Shurug Alseady, Abdullah Baz, Tahani Alsubait, Louai Alarabi, Hosam Alhakami
Vol. 20 No. 11 pp. 131-141
Internet of Things; Security Challenges; Big Data; Networks.
Microblogs Content Management, Retrieval, Analysis and Visualization
Louai Alarabi
Vol. 20 No. 12 pp. 21-29
Microblogs, Distributed Systems, Indexing, Querying, Information retrieval
Labeling Big Spatial Data: A Case Study of New York Taxi Limousine Dataset
Fawaz AlBatati and Louai Alarabi
Vol. 21 No. 6 pp. 207-212
Unsupervised Learning, K-means Clustering Algorithm, Unlabeled data, Spatial-data, Trajectory.