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A Novel Feature Selection Method Based on Category Information Analysis for Class Prejudging in Text Classification
Qiang Wang, Yi Guan, XiaoLong Wang, Zhiming Xu
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 113~119
Category Information Analysis, Pre-Fetching technique, Candidate class label, feature contribution
A Learning Method based on Hopfield Neural Network and Its application in Point-feature Labeling Placement Problem
Zheng He, Koichi Harada
Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 10-16
Constraint optimization, Hopfield neural network, Learning method, Point-feature labeling placement
TJP: A Modified Twig Join Algorithm Based on the Pri-order Labeling Scheme
Ren JiaDong, Yue LiWen
Vol. 6 No. 7 pp. 144-151
XML, twig pattern, labeling scheme, join algorithm
A Clustering-based Scheme for Labeling XML Trees
Sadegh Soltan, Masoud Rahgozar
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 84-89
XML, Tree Labeling, Query Optimization