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A Novel PSO-Based Algorithm for the Optimal Location of Controllers in Wireless Networks
Dac-Nhuong Le, Nhu Gia Nguyen, Vinh Trong Le
Vol. 12 No. 8 pp. 23-27
Terminal Assignment (TA), Optimal Location of Controllers Problem (OLCP), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Wireless Networks
Efficient Sign Language Recognition and Classification Using African Buffalo Optimization Using Support Vector Machine System
Karthikeyan M. P., Vu Cao Lam, and Dac-Nhuong Le
Vol. 24 No. 6 pp. 8-16
African Buffalo Optimization, Support Vector Machine, Sign Language prediction, MNIST image dataset, image processing, confusion matrix.
Upgrade Throughput and Delay in Wireless Communication Radios based Internet of Things Using Simulation and Mathematical Analysis
Le Nguyen Bao, Gia Nhu Nguyen, Le Van Chung, and Dac-Nhuong Le
Vol. 24 No. 12 pp. 81-86
IoT, wireless communication, mathematical analysis.