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Fast block size selection algorithm for inter frame coding in H.264/AVC on TMS320C6416 DSP
Haithem Chaouch, Imen Werda, Amine Samet, Mohamed Ali Ben Ayed, Nouri Masmoudi
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 23-27
H.264, motion estimation, block size selection, DSP, PSNR, SSIM
Partial Discharge Object Recognition using Cellualr Neural Networks on Digital Signal Processor
Javeed Ahmed Khan, S. Ravichandran, Mallikarjunappa.K
Vol. 8 No. 9 pp. 115-120
Object Recognition (OR), Partial Discharge(PD), Cellular Neural Networks(CNN), Digital Signal Processor (DSP), High Voltage (HV), Normal Coil (NC), End-Winding discharge coil (EWDC), Slot discharge coil (SDC) & Semi-Conductor paint (SCP)
An Efficient Method of Controlling AC Power Using DSP 2407-A Controller
S.A. Hari Prasad, R.Nagaraj
Vol. 8 No. 9 pp. 297-300
captureunit, DSP2407A controller, modulation index, SPWM signals, zero crossing.
Secure Outsourced Database Architecture
Ahmed M.A. Al thneibat, Bahaa Eldin M. Hasan, Abd El Fatah .A. Hegazy
Vol. 10 No. 5 pp. 246-253
SMM, DSP, DAS, Semi-Encrypted