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Automated Car Control - A Complete Solution
Nazmul Hasan, S. M Didar-Al- Alam, Sikder Rezwanul Huq
Vol. 12 No. 11 pp. 132-137
Intelligent Transportation, GPS (Global Positioning System), ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), AHS (Automated Highway Systems), Smart Cars, DLCC (Dynamic Laser Cruise Control)
Enhancement of Cruise Control System by Improving Transient Response of Motor Controller using Non-Linear Optimization Techniques
Golam Sarowar and Shameem Hasan
Vol. 18 No. 12 pp. 145-152
Cruise control, Fuzzy logic controller, Lead-Lag Compensator, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, Transient response, Ziegler-Nichols method.