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Partial Discharge Object Recognition using Cellualr Neural Networks on Digital Signal Processor
Javeed Ahmed Khan, S. Ravichandran, Mallikarjunappa.K
Vol. 8 No. 9 pp. 115-120
Object Recognition (OR), Partial Discharge(PD), Cellular Neural Networks(CNN), Digital Signal Processor (DSP), High Voltage (HV), Normal Coil (NC), End-Winding discharge coil (EWDC), Slot discharge coil (SDC) & Semi-Conductor paint (SCP)
An Improved Method in Transient Stability Assessment of a Power System Using Committee Neural Networks
Reza Ebrahimpour, Easa Kazemi Abharian
Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 119-124
Transient Stability Assessment (TSA), Committee Neural Networks (CNN), Time domain simulation method, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
High Secure Image Steganography based on Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network and Wavelet Transforms
B. Geetha vani, E. V. Prasad
Vol. 13 No. 3 pp. 1-6
Steganography, Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network, DWT based steganography, Text Encryption based on Caeser cipher and HCNN.
High Secure Image Steganography Based On Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network and Wavelet Transforms
Vol. 14 No. 3 pp. 93-98
Steganography, Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network, DWT based steganography, Text Encryption based on Caeser cipher and HCNN