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Wavelet-Neural Networks Based Phonetic Recognition System of Arabic Alphabet letters
Moaz Abdulfattah Ahmad, Rasheed M. El Awady
Vol. 10 No. 12 pp. 106-114
Speech processing, Arabic speech recognition, wavelet Transform, ANN, speech technology
Unit Selection Model in Arabic Speech Synthesis
Nedhal A. Al-Saiyd and Mohammad Hijjawi
Vol. 18 No. 4 pp. 126-131
Arabic Speech, Unit Selection, Segmentation, Syllable, Speech Analysis.
Emotion Recognition in Arabic Speech from Saudi Dialect Corpus Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
Hanaa Alamri and Hanan S. Alshanbari
Vol. 23 No. 8 pp. 9-16
Speech Emotion Recognition, Arabic speech, Saudi dialect, KNN, SVM, CNN, LSTM.