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Supervised Learning Approach for Knowledge Extraction & Deci-sion-Making Process using Genome Sequence in Bioinformatics
May Abdullah Almutairi and Abdul Rauf Baig
Vol. 20 No. 12 pp. 149-158
Genome Sequence, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Dis-ease Prediction.
An Extended UTAUT2 model to Explain the Adoption of Virtual Reality Technology in Health Centers: An Empirical Study Based in Riyadh
Manar Algahtani , Abdullah Altameem, and Abdul Rauf Baig,
Vol. 21 No. 3 pp. 219-228
Technology Adoption; Virtual Reality; UTAUT2; Health Centers
Fog Data Analytics: Diabetic Patients Monitoring Using Wearable IoT Sensors
Abdul Rauf Baig, Mozaherul Hoque Abul Hasanat, Abdulaziz Alsahli
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 603-612
IoT, fog computing, health care, diabetics.
Eye Blink Detection and Alarm System to Reduce Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome
Atheer K. Alsaif and Abdul Rauf Baig
Vol. 23 No. 5 pp. 191-204
Computer vision, Eye blinking, Covered face, Niqab, Yolo, CV, Computer vision syndrom