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Speech-enabled windows application using Microsoft SAPI
Hao Shi, Alexander Maier
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 33-37
Speech-enabled, Windows applications, Microsoft SAPI.
What Makes APIs Difficult to Use?
Minhaz Fahim Zibran
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 255-261
Application programming interface, API design, API usability
The development of 3D Polygon serif style Kinetic typography for the Web
Sukwon Kim
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 178-183
Web3D, Polygon, Rational B-spline, RSVP(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation), Kinetic typography
Face Recognition Using Adjacent Pixel Intensity Difference Quantization Histogram
Feifei Lee, Koji Kotani, Qiu Chen, Tadahiro Ohmi
Vol. 9 No. 8 pp. 147-154
Face recognition, Adjacent pixel intensity difference quantization (APIDQ), Maximum entropy principle (MEP)