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An Iterative Process Involving Interlacing and Decoposition in the Devlopment of a Block Cipher
S. Udaya Kumar, V. U. K. Sastry, A. Vinaya babu
Vol. 6 No. 10 pp. 236-245
Block cipher, key matrix, modular arithmetic inverse of the key matrix, interlacing, decomposition
Image-based Fraud Detection in Automatic Teller Machine
WenTao Dong, YoungSung Soh
Vol. 6 No. 11 pp. 13-18
Facial feature extraction, Fraud detection, Background model.
Secret key Capacity for Wireless Nakagami and Suzuki Fading Channels
Ali Shahzadi, Masoud Ghoreishi Madiseh, Ali A. Beheshti Shirazi
Vol. 7 No. 3 pp. 296-303
Secret key capacity, mutual information, Nakagami fading, Suzuki fading
3D Face Deformation Using Control Points and Vector Muscles
Hyun-Cheol Lee, Gi-Taek Hur
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 149-155
3D Face Model, Facial Animation, Control Points, Muscle Vector, Caricatures .