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Programming Methodologies and Software Architecture
A Rama Mohan Reddy, Dr. M M Naidu, Dr. P Govindarajulu
Vol. 6 No. 11 pp. 29-39
Methodology, Software Architecture, Reusability, design, Implementation.
An Integrated approach of Analytical Hierarchy Process Model and Goal Model (AHP-GP Model) for Selection of Software Architecture
A Rama Mohan Reddy, M M Naidu, P.Govindarajulu
Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 108-117
Software Architecture, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Design Alternatives, GOAL programming
Enhanced ANT Algorithm Based Load Balanced Task Scheduling in GRID Computing
Kuppani Sathish, A Rama Mohan Reddy
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 219-223
Ant Algorithm, Load Balance, Grid Computing
Deep Learning Inspired Hybrid Meta-heuristic Approach for Intelligent Service Composition in Dynamic Cloud Environment
A V L N Sujith, Dr. A Rama Mohan Reddy and Dr. K Madhavi
Vol. 20 No. 3 pp. 103-109
Cloud Service, Service composition, Service oriented architecture, Deep learning, Gated recurrent unit