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Hybrid adaptation of the maximum contention window (CWmax) and minimum contention window (CWmin) for Enhanced Service Differentiation in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Hassan Takabi, Ali H. Moghadam, Ahmad Khonsari
Vol. 6 No. 12 pp. 281-290
IEEE 802.11e, QoS, EDCA, back-off algorithm, wireless ad-hoc networks, hybrid adaptation algorithm, CWmax, CWmin
Selecting the Best Spanning Tree to Reduce the Interference of a wireless sensor network using Genetic Algorithm
Vahid Haghighatdoost, Maryam Espandar
Vol. 10 No. 12 pp. 87-93
Genetic algorithm, interference, sensor network, spanning tree, wireless ad-hoc network