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Concatenation and Turbo Principle of Channel Coding and Cryptography
Natasa Zivic
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 79-83
Concatenated Codes, Cryptographic Check Values, SISO Convolutional Coding, Decrypting
Personal Authentication Protocol based on ECDLP using Biometric Feature Values
Jayaprakash Kar, Bansidhar Majhi
Vol. 9 No. 6 pp. 79-84
ECDLP, Biometrics feature values
Secure & Energy Efficient key Management Scheme for WBAN ? A Hybrid Approach
Iehab A. AL-Rassan, Naveed Khan
Vol. 11 No. 6 pp. 169-172
Physiological values(PV), Electrocardiogram(EKG/ECG), Wireless body area network(WBAN)
Introducing Robustness into Message Authentication
Vol. 12 No. 6 pp. 37-45
Message Authentication Codes, robustness, soft decision, reliability values, Hamming distance