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Technologies Of Educational Activity Development: Theoretical Fundamentals
Nadiia Kravchuk, Nelia Kinakh, Tetiana Bortniuk, Karina Fedosenko, Anna Burlaka
Vol. 21 No. 11 pp. 177-180
Vocational training, Innovative teaching. Higher education. Teaching technology, Distance Learning. .
Methodological Fundamentals Of Application Of Competencies For Teachers Of Foreign Languages
Yuliia Zahrebniuk, Vasyl Zheliaskov, Ihor Romanyshyn, Nonna Varekh, Polina Yakymenko
Vol. 21 No. 11 pp. 328-332
Innovative teaching. Higher education. Teaching technology.
Digitization Of Education: Current Challenges Of Education
Vadym Osaula, Ihor Parfeniuk, Maryna Lysyniuk, Viktoriia Haludzina-Horobets, Oksana Shyber, Oksana Levchenko
Vol. 21 No. 11 pp. 368-372
Innovative teaching. Higher education. Teaching technology
Peculiarities of using Moodle learning technology in higher teacher education under the COVID-19 pandemic
Altukhova Anna, Kanibolotska Olha, Koreneva Inna, Osadchuk Nataliia, Berkeshchuk Inna
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 686-692
remote education, learning, teaching.