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Need Of Up-Grading Science Labs In Secondary Schools Of Pakistan.
Dr. Tarique Bhutti, Dr. Muhammad Dilshad, Sumera Irum, Dr. Muhammad Rafique Daudpoto
Vol. 20 No. 3 pp. 20-28
Science Education, Science Laboratory, Science Lab staff, Science Student, Science Teacher, Secondary:
Effectiveness of Science Labs at Secondary School Level in Pakistan: an Evaluative Study
Muhammad Dilshad Tarique Bhutti Sumera Irum Muhammad Shafi Meso Nek Muhammad Shaikh
Vol. 20 No. 4 pp. 168-174
Education, Science Education, Science Lab , Science Lab staff, Science Student, Science Teacher, Secondary level.
The Concept of Human Resource Management in Logistics Processes
Iryna Shtuler, Eleonora Zabarna, Nataliya Kyrlyk, Hanna Kostovyat
Vol. 21 No. 12 pp. 110-116
logistics, human resources, production, sales channels, human policy, competencies, staff
Digital Technologies As A Constituent of the Methodical System of Developing Legal Competence of Economic Colleges Pedagogical Staff
Roman Kurok, Anatoliy Hritchenko, Borys Shevel, Stanislav ¨archenkˆ, Oleksandr Deshchenko
Vol. 22 No. 6 pp. 435-440
methodical system, components, digitalization, digital technologies, pedagogical staff.