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Parts of Speech Tagging of Romanized Sindhi Text by applying Rule Based Model
Irum Naz Sodhar, Akhtar Hussain Jalbani, Muhammad Ibrahim Channa and Dil Nawaz Hakro
Vol. 19 No. 11 pp. 91-96
Natural language processing (NLP), Parts-of-speech (POS), Romanized Sindhi Text (RST), Algorithm, Python.
A Procedure for Determining The Locating Chromatic Number of An Origami Graphs
Agus Irawan, Asmiati, Bernadhita Herindri Samodra Utami, Aang Nuryaman, and Kurnia Muludi
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 31-34
locating-chromatic number, graph, origami, python.