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A Cluster-based Approach to provide Energy-Efficient in WSN
Claudio Silva, Rodrigo Costa, Adonias Pires, Denis Ros?rio, Eduardo Cerqueira, K?ssio Machado, Augusto Neto, J? Ueyama
Vol. 13 No. 1 pp. 55-62
Wireless sensor networks, Energy-efficiency, Hierarchical routing protocol.
Implementation of Pinkas Partial Matching (PM)-Semi Honest Protocol Using Mixed Multiplicative Homomorphic Encryption (MMH) For Location Based Services (LBS)
Levent Ertaul, Saleha Shakoor
Vol. 15 No. 3 pp. 1-10
Private-Set Matching & Intersection, Location Tags, MMH encryption, Location Based Services, PM-Semi-Honest Protocol.
Implementation of Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Dr.Ahmad Hweishel A.Alfarjat, .Dr.Hanumanthappa J., .Dr. Hatem S. A. Hamatta
Vol. 21 No. 3 pp. 60-70
Bluetooth, 4UAK, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Diffie Hellman, NUAK (N Users Authenticated Key) Protocol.
Contactless Smart Card as a Cache for Geocaching
Karel Burda
Vol. 21 No. 7 pp. 205-210
. Contactless smart card, geocaching, cryptography, protocol.