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A Framework of Group Decision-Making in Network Environment
YU Zhu-Chao, FAN Zhi-Ping
Vol. 6 No. 4 pp. 135-139
group decision-making (GDM), network environment, decision support, information/knowledge
Alternative Engine to Detect and Block Port Scan Attacks using Virtual Network Environments
Walter Fuertes, Patricio Zambrano, Marco S?nchez, Pablo Gamboa
Vol. 11 No. 11 pp. 14-23
Network attacks, port scan attack, security, virtual network environments
A study of the behaviour of vehicular delay tolerant network at the partial collaboration of Maxprop routing algorithm with Binary Spray and Wait
Sanjay Kumar, Avijeet Singh Mandloi, U Divya, Sudhakar Pandey
Vol. 16 No. 8 pp. 81-86
Routing Protocol, MaxProp, Spray-and-Wait, DTN, VDTN, Simulation, Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE).