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An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of N-gram Modeling in Probabilistic Chinese Word Segmentation
Zhiming Xu, Qiang Wang, Jonathan J. Webster, Chunyu Kit
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 81~86
Chinese word segmentation, n-gram, language model
A Compromise between N-gram Length and Classifier Characteristics for Protein Classification
Faouzi Mhamdi, Ricco Rakotomalala, Mourad Elloumi
Vol. 6 No. 4 pp. 82-87
Data mining, Protein Classification, n-grams, KNN, SVM, CART
Classification of documents based on contents using the n-gram method of MNB model
Junaina Jamil Najim Aldin AL-Bayati
Vol. 15 No. 10 pp. 17-21
Document classification, MNB model, n-gram, training document, testing document, recall and precision
An Investigative Design Based Statistical Approach for Determining Bangla Sentence Validity
Md. Riazur Rahman, Md. Tarek Habib, Md. Sadekur Rahman, Shaon Bhatta Shuvo, Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Vol. 16 No. 11 pp. 30-37
sentence validity detection natural language processing n-gram smoothing backoff strategy language model..