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PLEASE, 'P'-LEAder SElection for Multicast Group Communication
Mary Vennila S1, Srinivasan S2, Rangarajan T.C3, Sankaranarayanan V4, Rhymend Uthariaraj V5
Vol. 6 No. 11 pp. 277-283
LeaSel, Secure Multicasting, PLEASE, Group communication
SENCAST: A Scalable Protocol for Unicasting and Multicasting in a Large Ad hoc Emergency Network
P. Appavoo, K. Khedo
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 154-165
Ad hoc network, routing protocol, multicasting, emergency system, scalability
Power Aware Multicast Reactive Routing Protocol (PAMRRP)
Pariza Kamboj, A.K.Sharma
Vol. 8 No. 8 pp. 351-357
Ad-hoc networks, network diameter, trees, multicasting, RBBSA
A Comparative study of SLIM+ and PUMA protocols for multicasting in Open-MANETs
Nazish Nawaz Hussaini Hameedullah Kazi Safiullah Faizullah M. Arshad Shaikh
Vol. 16 No. 12 pp. 128-131
One-to-Many Multicasting VANETs Local Area Social Networks SLIM