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Indoor Robot localization using Adaptive Omnidirectional Vision System
Minsoo Goh, Sangmin Lee
Vol. 10 No. 4 pp. 66-70
Omnidirectional vision, single camera, Mobile Robot Localization
Design and implementation of applications to control a Lego NXT robot via Bluetooth from a Pocket PC
Erik Coral, Michel Garc?a, Cinhtia Gonz?lez, Sergio Gonz?lez, Carlos Miranda, Teresita Monta?ez
Vol. 11 No. 6 pp. 115-119
Bluetooth, Lego NXT, pocket PC, mobile robot
A Comparison of RRT, RRT* and RRT*-Smart Path Planning Algorithms
Iram Noreen, Amna Khan, Zulfiqar Habib
Vol. 16 No. 10 pp. 20-27
Path Planning, RRT, RRT*, mobile robots, Comparison, Review.