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Ultraproduct of first-order lattice-valued logic LF(X) based on finite lattice implication algebra
Wang Xuefang, Liu Peishun
Vol. 6 No. 5 pp. 195-200
Lattice-valued logic, lattice implication algebra, ultrafilter, ultraproduct, consistent theorem
Linguistic Truth-value Lattice-valued Logic System with Important Coefficient and Its Application to Evaluation System
Dan Meng, Huading Jia, Zaiqiang Zhang, and Yang Xu
Vol. 6 No. 6 pp. 1-6
Artificial intelligence, intelligent evaluation system, linguistic truth-value lattice-valued proposition logic system, operator linguistic truth-value lattice-valued proposition logic system
Double-layer Modificatory Linguistic Truth-value Lattice-valued Evaluation Method
Dan Meng, Xu Huang, Zaiqiang Zhang, Yang Xu
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 167-174
Artificial Intelligence, Lattice Implication Algebra, Lattice-valued Logic system, Double-layer Evaluation Method with Linguistic Truth-value
A New Lattice Structure and Method for Extracting Association rules Based on Concept Lattice
JiYe Liang, JunHong Wang
Vol. 6 No. 11 pp. 107-114
Concept lattice, closed itemsets, frequent itemsets, association rules