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Analysis of Personal Email Networks using Spectral Decomposition
Ungsik Kim
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 185-188
Spectral decomposition, Spam email, Laplacian matrix, eigenvector centrality, orthogonal projection
Auto Notification Service for the Student Record Retrieval System Using Electronic Mail Message (EMM)
Ibrahim A.S.Muhamadi, A.A Zaidan, S.Raviraja, M.A Zaidan, B.B Zaidan, Chengetai Mapundu
Vol. 9 No. 8 pp. 295-303
Student Record Retrieval System (SRRS), Electronic Email message (EMM)
Cultural impact on Users¡¯ Ability to protect themselves against Phishing websites
Ibrahim Mohammed Alseadoon, Rabie A. Ramadan and Ahmed Y. Khedr
Vol. 17 No. 11 pp. 1-5
Phishing, behavior, scam, culture, impact, websites, emails, vulnerability.
Design of E-mail Client Interaction (MCI) System for Representing Physical Movements through Gesture-initiated Pressing Operations
Ziran Fan and Fujimoto Takayuki
Vol. 20 No. 4 pp. 251-257
Interface Design, Interaction Design, Gesture, Smartphone Application, Email Client.